Friday, December 3, 2010

Single Mom, Ranting.... a primer.

I've been considering joining the blogosphere for some time. After all, who among us hasn't seen the posts of our friends and not thought, "Ooh! I could do that!" I see Momma McFarland's handiwork, or the delightful musings of Queen Christine, and I can't help but wonder if maybe I too should write it all down, as it were. And why not?

Well, there are two main reasons I have not, thus far, joined in (even though, apparently, all the cool kids are doing it). First, to blog is to openly admit to one's narcissism. The simple act of writing about my life, and letting people know where to read it, then expecting those people to show a modicum of interest... well, these actions are all indicative of a belief that other people genuinely care to know what I think! And as you all know (there are readers, right?!) I prefer to hide my vanity as much as possible...

The second reason is far more pragmatic: I don't have time! While my to-do list on any given day is fairly short, it seems to take hours to complete even the simplest of tasks now that I am a mom. So, if there are folks reading this, please forgive infrequent posting.

So, now that I have arrived, here's what you should know: I am a 20-something momma to an almost 1 year old boy... we'll call him McGee. Though I completed an undergraduate degree before the arrival of my son, I am slowly muddling my way towards a future at this point by trying to get in to a PA program. In the meantime, I help out around my family's judo dojo, I am studying for the GRE, and I am learning how to be a mom. That last task has proven the most difficult for me, by far.

The point of this blog is for me to have a place to rant about the many joys and trials associated with being a single mother. While there are other single mom's blogging in this world, I feel it's worth adding my voice to the throng, as I am not what one would call "maternal" by nature... in fact, I'm kind of a dude on the inside. A confirmed tomboy since birth, I navigate the world of femininity precariously, picking and choosing which aspects I deem acceptable for myself. I am an activist, a feminist, a mommy, a Christian, an athlete at times, a woman by choice... I am crude and crass, yet loving and kind. I'm McGee's mom. I'm Valarie! Pleased to meet you :)

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm . . . I don't think blogging is narcissistic . . . People who care about you want to know what's going on. So blogging is really just a nice thing to do. Also, it's a good journal, and think of it, when your son is older, he'll be able to read it. That'll be sorta neat. :)


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